Monday, April 13, 2009

Does it take an Act of Congress?

Does it take an Act of Congress?

How many times have you jokingly said, “What does it take, an act of congress?”

Even though we have all – at one time or another – used that line or a variation of it? These days it appears to be no laughing matter. It seems we are ALL waiting around for congress to make changes. And folks as we can see very clearly that ain’t gonna happen. No, if we want change we will have to make it happen.

Congress – the federal government in general – doesn’t look at things the way we do. We look at our income and decide what we can and cannot do with that money. Congress on the other hand looks at what they want to do and then comes up with tax laws to get more money from us to make those things happen. The difference is that they are not budgeting or spending their own money. They are spending ours.

On top of that when congress sees a problem they have only one way to fix it and that is with a law. It’s called the carpenters law: When the only tool you have is hammer, everything looks like a nail. The only thing congress can do to fix things they see as being wrong is to create regulation making something illegal, then they appropriate our money to fund the fix.

The only thing government has ever created is laws.

So what are we to do? We need to look for free-market solutions to fix the problems created by us and our government.

Look, did congress make a law requiring the invention and production of the automobile?


Did congress create a law that conjured up human flight?


The only thing congress has done for those two pieces of entrepreneurial magic has been to make both of them more expensive. (Think about it!)

No it has been the free market that created those things for a ready, willing and waiting market.

The same can be done with health insurance. I am doing it now. I am meeting with businesses looking to lower the costs of their health insurance and along with the employees I am designing health care plans that are, affordable, portable, easy to access and most importantly they belong to the employees not the company. That way the employee gets to control costs not the group.

Does any of that sound like what government is trying to legislate into existence.

Contact me at for more details on what you and or your company can do to do the same.

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